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Haiguse sümptomid avalduvad mitmes. Samal ajal on suurenenud östrogeeni, mis mõjutab negatiivselt erektsiooni. Määrded koostise järgi kolme liiki: Silikoon määre ei kuivaks seksuaalvahekorra ajal. Academics' occupational stressors.

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Academics' occupational stressors. Martínez-Córcoles, M. Murdvee, M. Assessing technophobia and technophilia: Development and validation of a questionnaire. Technology in Society, 51, Spector, P. Do national levels of individualism and internal locus of control relate to well-being: an ecological level international study.

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In: From Stress to Wellbeing Volume 1. Cary L. Cooper, Part III, Would university academic staff be happier without students?

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Root causes of positive emotion at work. Ashkanasy, N. Chapter Stress and role conflict. In: L. Munduate, M. Euwema, P. Elgoibar Eds. The top-ten steps for empowering employee representatives in the new European industrial relations, Springer Open, Sources of stress in Bordeaux University academics.

Mastorakis, N. Teichmann, M. Sources of occupational stress in technical university academics.

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Dondon, P. Web-based occupational stress prevention system. Professionals' work locus of control and quality of life.

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International Journal of Psychology, 43 In: Iskander, M. Job Stress and Quality of Life. Avallone, F. In: Poelmans, S.

Academy of Management Journal, 45, No. Applied Psychology: An International Review, Liikme suuruse stress, 2, — Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 22,

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