Liigu sisu juurde

Sellisel juhul tuleks nimetatud muud tegevuskohta pidada peamiseks tegevuskohaks. Käesoleva määruse eesmärk on aidata kaasa vabadusel, turvalisusel ja õigusel rajaneva ala ning majandusliidu saavutamisele, majanduslikule ja sotsiaalsele arengule, riikide majanduse tugevdamisele ja lähendamisele siseturul ning füüsiliste isikute heaolule.

Suurenenud liige C-PB

Gravitropism of 30 moss species was analysed at different stages of development: Suurenenud liige C-PB of spores, protonemata, gametophore and sporophyte formation.

In the same conditions fragments of protonemata and gametophores were grown being transferred aseptically from sterile cultures of spores germinated in controled light conditions. To assess gravity sensitivity the dishes were kept upright for 7 10 days in darkness and then 90o turned.

Suurenenud liige C-PB

After 20 h gravistimulation the angles of apical cell gravity bending were determined. The amount of amyloplasts and their distribution during growth and spatial reorientation of sporophytes selected from nature samples on different stages of species-specific capsule formation were analyzed after JK2J staining.

Suurenenud liige C-PB

The gravitropic sensing was established in 7 new moss species only. The general traits of all such species were the ark-like cygneous seta bending and inclined, to pendulous, capsules.

JK2J staining of young isolated sporophytes has shown, that twisting and bending of seta as well as the spatial capsule reorientation result from the changes of distribution of amyloplasts in Suurenenud liige C-PB direction of gravitropic growth or caused by their lateral sedimentation.

Suurenenud liige C-PB

In the dark protonemata of investigated mosses grew upwards on agar surface giving rise to bundles of negatively gravitropic stolons in days.

During germination at first negatively gravitropic primary chloronema and then positively gravitropic primary rizoid appeared. In 3 days, however, the growth of all primary filaments was negatively gravitropic. In Dicranella cerviculata majority of primary filaments were negatively gravitropic from the very beginning.

Suurenenud liige C-PB

After 20 h gravistimulation of protonemata of different moss species the following mean values of gravity bending degrees were established: Leptobryum.